Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Опустела без тебя земля....

I am flying back to Dallas today. Mom is sleeping peacefully under black frozen dirt and beautiful fresh white snow.... I will be back this summer to plant some flowers, which she loved so much.

My heart is peaceful, too. Here is my Mom's song forever....

Опустела без тебя Земля…
Как мне несколько часов прожить?
Так же падает в садах листва,
И куда-то всё спешат такси…
Только пусто на Земле одной
Без тебя, а ты…
Ты летишь, и тебе
Дарят звёзды
Свою нежность…
Так же пусто было на Земле,
И когда летал Экзюпери,
Так же падала листва в садах,
И придумать не могла Земля.
Как прожить ей без него, пока
Он летал, летал,
И все звёзды ему
Свою нежность…
Опустела без тебя Земля…
Если можешь, прилетай скорей…


Monday, February 14, 2011

я вылетаю в Россию

сегодня сдала экзамен по Criminal Law и продолжаю паковать чемоданы и готовить ноутбук....

все время думаю о маме. как жаль, что я ее так перед смертью и не смогла ее обнять или погладить...... теперь на всю жизнь будет глодать печаль. хорошо, что хоть успеваю на похороны. хотя бы увижу ее в последний раз.

вылет через 12 часов где-то. самая печальная моя поездка в аэропорт.....

Sunday, February 13, 2011

мама умерла

сегодня утром получила звонок от Сережки, он сообщил, что ему только что звонил папа - мама скончалась сегодня утром. я сразу же перезвонила папе, он сообщил, что у мамы сегодня утром было очень учащенное дыхание, похолодели конечности, он бросился вызывать скорую, пока ехала скорая, мама очень быстро и мелко начала дышать. Он ей пытался делать искуственное дыхание, но было уже поздно, сердце не билось.

когда скорая приехала, они только выписали свидетельство о смерти.

я спросила про бабушку - он сказал, что бабушка пока держится.

я сразу же перебронировала билеты - теперь я вылетаю во вторник, прилетаю в среду утром. связалась с Саней, сообщила ему новости. он сказал, что заберет меня с аэропорта, и мы вместе выедем. надеемся, что успеем на похороны.

самочувствие сегодня вечером

разговаривала опять с папой. мама помахала рукой, что не хочет разговаривать. голос все еще не работает, плюс она сейчас мечется. ждут укол. уже слелали одну вечернюю клизму, после укола будут делать зеленую клизму.

голос у мамы, по папиному мнению, немного хуже. днем все было так же с болями, изменений нет никаких. встает и ходит она так же плохо. днем она спала, сколько - он сказать затрудняется.

днем она пила сок алое, немного получилось выпить, он кисленький, поэтому ничего, прошел. папа алое с яблочным уксусом вместе смешал.

на живот компресс сегодня не успели сделать.

я еще раз переспросила и папа подтвердил, что бульон она пока больше не просит, и настой из сухофруктов тоже. сегодня кроме молока и алое-уксуса она, по его мнению, ничего не пила.

рвоты не было, но сейчас позывы идут (я слышала, как там мама на заднем плане стонала).


улучшений нет, но, в принципе, к концу для я улучшений и не ожидала, но, главное, что никаких драматических сдвигов в худшую сторону тоже не было. рвоты не было сегодня (ну, только что сейчас, может, вырвет), попила она алое вера нормально, не вырвало. хриплый голос ухудшился, но, может, после нескольких приемов алое вера сможет начать возвращаться.

я папу попросила найти фосфорус 30 и дать маме 4 горошинки на ночь и 4 с утра, перед тем, как он на работу будет уходить.

нужно узнать, сколько осталось кофе.



BETTER, in dark, lying on right side, cold food; cold; open air; washing with cold water; sleep.
WORSE, touch; physical or mental exertion; twilight; warm food or drink; change of weather, from getting wet in hot weather; evening; lying on left or painful side; during a thunder-storm; ascending stairs.
Complementary: Ars.; Cepa; Lyc.; Silica. Sanguisuga 30 - Leech - (Persistent hemorrhages; effects of use of leeches.) Phosph. Pentachloride (great soreness of mucous membrane of EYES and nose, throat and chest sore).
Incompatible: Caust.
Compare: Tuberculinum follows Phosphorus well and complements its action. Phosphorus Hydrogenatus (crumbling teeth; hyperesthesia; locomotor ataxia); Amphisbaena (right jaw swollen and painful). Thymol (Typical sexual neurasthenia; irritable stomach; aching throughout lumbar region; worse, mental and physical exertion); Calc.; CHIN.; Antim.; Sep.; Lyc.; Sulph. In Pneumonia, Pneumococin 200 and Pneumotoxin (Cahis) taken from the Diplococcus lanceolatus of Fraenkel. Pneumonia and paralytic phenomena; pleuritic pain and pain in ilio-coecal region (Cartier).
Antidote: Antidote to Phosph. Poisoning: Turpentine with which it forms an insoluble mass. Also Potass permang. Nux. Phosphorus. antidotes the nausea and vomiting of Chloroform and Ether.
Third to thirtieth potency. Should not be given too low or in too continuous doses. Especially in tuberculous cases. It may act as Euthanasia here.
abdomen; stomach; heartburn; after fatty food; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; clear, salty liquid from stomach in mouth (waterbrash); after acids; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; of water; while sitting; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; of water;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; sour; after milk; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; sour; after eating; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; sour; evening; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; rancid;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; through nose;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; mucus;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; clear, salty liquid from stomach in mouth (waterbrash); after eating; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; clear, salty liquid from stomach in mouth (waterbrash); after milk; ;abdomen; stomach; heartburn; after drinking beer; ;abdomen; stomach; heartburn; afternoon; ;abdomen; stomach; heartburn; morning; ;abdomen; stomach; gurgling; after drinking; ;abdomen; stomach; fullness; sleep;abdomen; stomach; fullness; burping, belching;abdomen; stomach; fullness; after eating; ;abdomen; stomach; fullness; after breakfast; ;abdomen; stomach; fullness; evening; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; loud;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; large quantities of wind;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; food (regurgitation);abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; fluid; morning; after breakfast; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; empty; after eating; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; empty; after drinking; cold water; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; empty; night; 9 p.m. until midnight; while walking in open air; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; empty; night; 9 p.m. until midnight; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; empty; night; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; like rotten eggs; night; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; like rotten eggs;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; food (regurgitation); night; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; food (regurgitation); while eating; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; hot;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; foul; evening; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; foul;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; tasting like food;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; food (regurgitation); after supper; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; food (regurgitation); when stooping; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; food (regurgitation); by the mouthful;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; food (regurgitation); after eating; immediately after; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; food (regurgitation); after eating; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; bloody;abdomen; stomach; nausea; when burping, belching;abdomen; stomach; nausea; open air;abdomen; stomach; nausea; night; after lying down; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; night; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; evening; walking in the open air; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; evening; while eating; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; evening; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; afternoon; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; noon; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; morning; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; odour of beer;abdomen; stomach; nausea; after cold drinks;abdomen; stomach; nausea; from odours; tobacco;abdomen; stomach; nausea; after eating;abdomen; stomach; nausea; after eating; after dinner; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; after eating; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; while eating; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; drinking;abdomen; stomach; nausea; after drinking; wine; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; after drinking; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; constant;abdomen; stomach; nausea; daytime; ;abdomen; stomach; sensation of movement in stomach; twitching; extending to throat; ;abdomen; stomach; hiccup; in typhoid;abdomen; stomach; hiccup; painful; ;abdomen; stomach; hiccup; after eating; ;abdomen; stomach; hiccup; before eating; ;abdomen; stomach; hiccup; after dinner; ;abdomen; stomach; hiccup; after catching cold; ;abdomen; stomach; hiccup; daytime; ;abdomen; stomach; heaviness, weight, oppression (see fullness); pressure;abdomen; stomach; heaviness, weight, oppression (see fullness); after eating; ;abdomen; stomach; inflammation;abdomen; stomach; inflammation; indurated stomach walls (hard from inflammation); ;abdomen; stomach; sensation of movement in stomach; twitching; while sitting; ;abdomen; stomach; sensation of movement in stomach; twitching;abdomen; stomach; sensation of movement in stomach; twisting; night; ;abdomen; stomach; sensation of movement in stomach; twisting;abdomen; stomach; sensation of movement in stomach; trembling; when chilly; ;abdomen; stomach; sensation of movement in stomach; trembling;abdomen; stomach; sensation of movement in stomach;abdomen; stomach; loathing of food (see nausea);abdomen; stomach; irritation;abdomen; stomach; heartburn; after smoking; ;abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; alcoholic drinks; beer;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; sweets;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; puddings;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; oysters;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; milk; boiled;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; milk;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; meat; fat meat;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; meat;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; herring;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; warm food;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; tea;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; tobacco;abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; alcoholic drinks;abdomen; stomach; contraction;abdomen; stomach; constriction; pylorus (between stomach and intestine); ;abdomen; stomach; constriction; around heart, on swallowing; ;abdomen; stomach; constriction;abdomen; stomach; coldness; icy;abdomen; stomach; coldness;abdomen; stomach; cancer;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; tobacco; smoking (his accustomed cigar);abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; cooked food;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; all food; with hunger;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; bread;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; beer;abdomen; stomach; apprehension in stomach;abdomen; stomach; appetite; lacking, no appetite; with hunger;abdomen; stomach; appetite; lacking, no appetite; from sense of fullness;abdomen; stomach; appetite; lacking, no appetite; at sight of food; ;abdomen; stomach; appetite; lacking, no appetite; noon; ;abdomen; stomach; appetite; lacking, no appetite; morning; ;abdomen; stomach; appetite; ravenous, excessive; without enjoying food (see aversion to food);abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; butter;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; cereals;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; flour;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; salt; after stress; ;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; salt; with thirst;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; salt;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; fish;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; fats and rich food;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; starchy food;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; warm drinks;abdomen; stomach; aversion to certain foods or drinks; coffee;abdomen; stomach; appetite; ravenous, excessive; while walking; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; bitter;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; after drinking; cold water; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; convulsive;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; after breakfast; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; night; 9 p.m. until midnight; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; night; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; evening; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching;abdomen; stomach; disordered; during nausea; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; while eating; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; after eating; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; strong and sharp (acrid);abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; while walking in open air; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; on stooping; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; while sitting; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; comes on suddenly; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; painful; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; after milk; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; before period; ;abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; ineffectual and incomplete;abdomen; stomach; disordered; without hunger; ;abdomen; stomach; disordered; during headache; ;abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; milk; cold;abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; many things;abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; ice cream;abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; highly seasoned food;abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; fish;abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; cold food;abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; cold drinks;abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; alcoholic drinks; wine;abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; alcoholic drinks; whisky;abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; refreshing things;abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; salt things;abdomen; stomach; disordered; not relieved by eating; ;abdomen; stomach; disordered; before dinner; ;abdomen; stomach; disordered;abdomen; stomach; emptiness, weak feeling, faintness, hungry feeling; late morning; 11 a.m.; ;abdomen; stomach; emptiness, weak feeling, faintness, hungry feeling; morning; on rising; ;abdomen; stomach; distended (swollen from inner pressure); after eating; ;abdomen; stomach; distended (swollen from inner pressure); evening; 9 p.m. until midnight; ;abdomen; stomach; distended (swollen from inner pressure); morning; ;abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; sour, acids, etc.;abdomen; stomach; desires, cravings; alcoholic drinks; brandy;abdomen; stomach; nausea; during fever; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; never ending; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; on coughing; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; chloroform;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; night; midnight; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; night; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; evening; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; noon; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; morning; ;abdomen; stomach; uneasiness;abdomen; stomach; ulcers;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; before diarrhoea; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; during diarrhoea; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; during headache; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; frequent;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; after eating; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; easy; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; drinking cold water;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; after drinking; after milk; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; after drinking; soon as water becomes warm in stomach; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; after drinking; smallest quantity; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; after drinking; ;abdomen; stomach; without thirst; with desire to drink;abdomen; stomach; without thirst;abdomen; stomach; thirst; morning; ;abdomen; stomach; tension; while travelling; ;abdomen; stomach; tension; after dinner; ;abdomen; stomach; tension;abdomen; stomach; sinking (see emptiness);abdomen; stomach; retching; evening; ;abdomen; stomach; pulsation; after eating; ;abdomen; stomach; pulsation;abdomen; stomach; pain; tearing; when burping, belching; ;abdomen; stomach; thirst; noon; ;abdomen; stomach; thirst; afternoon; ;abdomen; stomach; thirst; unquenchable;abdomen; stomach; thirst; after supper; ;abdomen; stomach; thirst; for small quantities;abdomen; stomach; thirst; for large quantities;abdomen; stomach; thirst; during heat; ;abdomen; stomach; thirst; after eating; ;abdomen; stomach; thirst; burning, intense;abdomen; stomach; thirst; night; ;abdomen; stomach; thirst; evening; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; sudden, sharp; when burping, belching;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; yellow;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; liquids;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; stomach lining;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; green; yellowish;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; green; blackish;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; green;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; slimy;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; food; undigested;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; food; after chill; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; food; during chill; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; liquids; as soon as warm in stomach;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; mucus; night; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; water;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; clinging;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; sour; during period; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; sour; fluid;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; sour; while coughing; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; sour; morning; after stool; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; sour;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; offensive smelling;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; mucus; blood;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; food; all animal food;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; food; evening; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; bile; night; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; bile; evening; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; from the sight of water; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; violent; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; while travelling; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; putting hands in warm water; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; comes on suddenly;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; painful;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; in women; during pregnancy; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; bile; during the fever; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; bitter;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; with filaments (as if grated);abdomen; stomach; vomiting; dark;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; like coffee beans;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; brownish;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; blood; after suppressed haemorrhoidal flow; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; blood; during suppressed period; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; blood; after exertion; ;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; blood;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; black;abdomen; stomach; vomiting; in women; during period; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; from pressure; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; from coughing; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; after cold food;abdomen; stomach; pain; open air; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; night; 9 p.m., until midnight; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; night; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; evening; in bed; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; evening; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; morning; while walking; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; morning; in bed; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; cold drinks;abdomen; stomach; pain; while eating; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; comes on suddenly; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; in women; during period; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; after ice cream;abdomen; stomach; pain; burping, belching;abdomen; stomach; pain; after eating; bread; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; after eating; dinner; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; after eating; 2 or 3 hours after eating; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; before eating; dinner; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; after eating;abdomen; stomach; pain; morning; ;abdomen; stomach; pylorus (between stomach and intestine); relaxation;abdomen; stomach; nausea; on rising; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; putting hands in warm water; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; periodic;abdomen; stomach; nausea; in women; during pregnancy; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; in women; with suppressed period; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; in women; during period; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; in women; before period; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; on lying down; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; lying down;abdomen; stomach; nausea; on rising; up in bed; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; sitting; while sitting; ;abdomen; stomach; pylorus (between stomach and intestine); sensation of obstruction; feels too narrow;abdomen; stomach; pylorus (between stomach and intestine); sensation of obstruction;abdomen; stomach; nausea; from sight of water; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; in a warm room; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; warm drinks; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; while walking; in open air; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; while walking; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; after stress; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; while smoking; ;abdomen; stomach; nausea; during headache; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; sudden, sharp; after eating; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; pressing; after dinner; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; pressing; before dinner; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; pressing; on coughing; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; pressing; after bread; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; pressing; evening; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; pressing; morning; in bed; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; gnawing, biting;abdomen; stomach; pain; pulling; extending into chest; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; pulling; after travelling; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; pressing; after eating; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; pressing; burping, belching;abdomen; stomach; pain; sudden, sharp; on coughing; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; sudden, sharp; on catching cold; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; sore, bruised, beaten (tenderness); while walking; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; sore, bruised, beaten (tenderness); after dinner; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; sore, bruised, beaten (tenderness); on coughing; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; sore, bruised, beaten (tenderness); evening; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; sore, bruised, beaten (tenderness); morning; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; pressing; after stress; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; pressing; while sitting; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; pulling;abdomen; stomach; pain; cutting; extending to navel; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; extending to other parts; to behind lower ribs; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; extending to other parts; into chest; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; extending to other parts; back; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; warm food;abdomen; stomach; pain; while walking; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; violent; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; after stress; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; on swallowing; pain in stomach near heart; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; while sitting; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; burning; after eating; some hours after; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; burning; pressure;abdomen; stomach; pain; cutting; attacks come on suddenly;abdomen; stomach; pain; cutting; after cold drinks; taken in open air; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; cutting;abdomen; stomach; pain; cramping, griping, constricting; periodic; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; cramping, griping, constricting; after eating; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; cramping, griping, constricting; night; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; cramping, griping, constricting; evening; in bed; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; burning; extending to other parts; throat; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; burning; extending to other parts; chest; ;abdomen; stomach; pain; after travelling; ;abdomen; stomach; appetite; ravenous, excessive; prevents sleep;abdomen; pain; lower part of abdomen; extending to other parts; navel; ;abdomen; pain; behind lower ribs; right; ;abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; after dinner; ;abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; right; ;abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; ;abdomen; pain; region of hip; ;abdomen; pain; extending to other parts; to perineum (between anus and genitals); ;abdomen; pain; extending across abdomen; ;abdomen; pain; while walking; ;abdomen; pain; with vomiting, blood and mucus in stool (intussusception); pain in region of liver; ;abdomen; pain; behind lower ribs; left; ;abdomen; pain; behind lower ribs; left; lying on right side;abdomen; pain; lower part of abdomen; during period; ;abdomen; pain; lower part of abdomen; before period; extending to navel; ;abdomen; pain; lower part of abdomen; before period; ;abdomen; pain; lower part of abdomen; if desire to urinate be delayed; ;abdomen; pain; lower part of abdomen; on coughing; ;abdomen; pain; lower part of abdomen; late morning; ;abdomen; pain; lower part of abdomen; ;abdomen; pain; behind lower ribs; rubbing;abdomen; pain; behind lower ribs; from pressure; ;abdomen; pain; with vomiting, blood and mucus in stool (intussusception);abdomen; pain; violent;abdomen; pain; while lying down; lying on side; ;abdomen; pain; while lying down; ;abdomen; pain; after eating (including certain foods); after dinner; ;abdomen; pain; after eating (including certain foods); after breakfast; ;abdomen; pain; after eating (including certain foods); ;abdomen; pain; during diarrhoea (colic); ;abdomen; pain; as if diarrhoea would come on; ;abdomen; pain; during cough; ;abdomen; pain; from becoming cold; ;abdomen; pain; lying down; lying on abdomen;abdomen; pain; lying down; lying on side; lying on right side;abdomen; pain; after stool; ;abdomen; pain; during stool; ;abdomen; pain; before stool; ;abdomen; pain; movement;abdomen; pain; in women; as if period would appear;abdomen; pain; in women; during period; ;abdomen; pain; in women; before period; ;abdomen; pain; lying down; lying on side; lying on right side;abdomen; pain; lying down; lying on abdomen;abdomen; pain; during chill; ;abdomen; pain; pulling; while walking;abdomen; pain; cutting; during period; ;abdomen; pain; cutting; during labour; ;abdomen; pain; cutting; night; 3 a.m.; ;abdomen; pain; cutting; night; 1 a.m.; ;abdomen; pain; cutting; evening; ;abdomen; pain; pressing; region of navel; during stool; ;abdomen; pain; pressing; region of navel; ;abdomen; pain; pressing; sides; ;abdomen; pain; pressing; behind lower ribs; rubbing;abdomen; pain; cutting; while walking; ;abdomen; pain; cutting; extending to other parts; chest; ;abdomen; pain; pulling; while sitting; ;abdomen; pain; pulling; lying;abdomen; pain; pulling;abdomen; pain; dragging, bearing down; sides; ;abdomen; pain; dragging, bearing down; groin region; before period; ;abdomen; pain; dragging, bearing down; groin region; ;abdomen; pain; dragging, bearing down; before period; ;abdomen; pain; dragging, bearing down;abdomen; pain; cutting; behind lower ribs; ;abdomen; pain; pressing; behind lower ribs; ;abdomen; pain; pressing; during stool; ;abdomen; pain; sides; ;abdomen; pain; navel; region of navel; during stool; ;abdomen; pain; navel; region of navel; ;abdomen; pain; navel; ;abdomen; pain; liver; ;abdomen; pain; groin region; before stool; ;abdomen; pain; groin region; during period; ;abdomen; pain; groin region; hernia; as if a hernia would appear;abdomen; pain; groin region; ;abdomen; pain; spleen; ;abdomen; pain; burning; while eating; ;abdomen; pain; pressing; before stool; ;abdomen; pain; cramping, griping; while lying down; ;abdomen; pain; cramping, griping; after dinner; ;abdomen; pain; cramping, griping; bending forward;abdomen; pain; cramping, griping; morning;abdomen; pain; bursting;abdomen; pain; burning; groin region; ;abdomen; pain; burning; behind lower ribs; right; ;abdomen; pain; burning; during period; ;abdomen; pain; right side, above hip; ;abdomen; flatulence; while sitting; ;abdomen; bloated; behind lower ribs; right; ;abdomen; bloated; trapped wind; ;abdomen; bloated; after eating; ;abdomen; bloated; after dinner; ;abdomen; bloated; during constipation; ;abdomen; bloated; night; after midnight; ;abdomen; sensation as if diarrhoea would come on;abdomen; contraction; navel; ;abdomen; contraction;abdomen; bloated; lower part of abdomen; ;abdomen; emptiness;abdomen; flatulence; obstructed;abdomen; flatulence; aged people; ;abdomen; abnormal opening, in groin glands;abdomen; enlarged; spleen; ;abdomen; enlarged; liver; ;abdomen; emptiness; walking;abdomen; emptiness; after stool; ;abdomen; emptiness; during period; ;abdomen; emptiness; with burning between shoulders;abdomen; constriction; night; ;abdomen; constriction;Bad effects of eating too much salt.Inflammation of stomach, with burning extending to throat and bowels Region of stomach painful to touch, or on walking Cardiac opening seems contracted, too narrow; the food scarcely swallowed, comes up again ( Bry.; Alum.) Pain in stomach; relieved by cold food, icespost-operative vomitingVomiting; Water is thrown up as soon as it gets warm in the stomachThrows up ingesta by the mouthfuls Belching large quantities of wind, after eating Sour taste and sour eructations after every meal Feels cold ( Caps.) Sharp, cutting pains A very weak, empty, gone sensation felt in whole abdominal cavityabdomen; coldness;abdomen; anxiety; after stool; ;Large, yellow spots on abdomen.Pancreatic diseaseChloroform.) Jaundice tetrachloride.; Ars Fatty degeneration ( Carbon Acute hepatitis Liver congested Stomach; Hunger soon after eating; abdomen; pain; bending double;abdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; before stool; ;abdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; after eating; ;abdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; as if diarrhoea would come on;abdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; evening; after eating; ;abdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; noon; after eating; ;abdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; noon; ;abdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; fermentation; during period; ;abdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; fermentation;abdomen; noises from abdomen; gurgling; after drinking; ;abdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; after supper; ;abdomen; pain; morning; ;abdomen; pain; night; 4 a.m.; ;abdomen; pain; night; midnight; ;abdomen; pain; night; ;abdomen; pain; evening; after eating; ;abdomen; pain; evening; ;abdomen; pain; afternoon; ;abdomen; pain; late morning; ;abdomen; pain; morning; on rising; ;abdomen; pain; morning; in bed; ;abdomen; noises from abdomen; gurgling;abdomen; abdominal muscles; twitching and jerking;abdomen; hard; liver; ;abdomen; hard; behind lower ribs; ;abdomen; hard; after eating; ;abdomen; hard;abdomen; gangrene;abdomen; sensation of fullness; after eating; ;abdomen; sensation of fullness; while constipated; ;abdomen; sensation of fullness; night; ;abdomen; sensation of fullness; morning; ;abdomen; heat;abdomen; heat; morning; ;abdomen; as if something were in abdomen (movements, lumps, etc.); movements in abdomen; before stool; ;abdomen; as if something were in abdomen (movements, lumps, etc.); movements in abdomen;abdomen; inflammation; neck of large intestine (right side, between hip and ribs. typhlitis); ;abdomen; inflammation; liver; chronic;abdomen; inflammation; liver; ;abdomen; inflammation; appendicitis;abdomen; inflammation;abdomen; hernia; groin; ;abdomen; heaviness;abdomen; flatulence; behind lower ribs; ;abdomen; pain; pulling; sides; ;abdomen; bladder; urination; frequent; after rising; ;abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); while perspiring; ;abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); in women; during period; ;abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); in women; before period; ;abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); while lying down; on right side; ;abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); ineffectual; during chill; ;abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); ineffectual;abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); frequent (see urination, frequent); before period; ;abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); constant;abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); during chill; ;abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); while sitting; ;abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); standing; ;abdomen; bladder; urination; frequent; morning; ;abdomen; bladder; urination; dribbling (by drops); involuntary; after urinating; ;abdomen; bladder; urination; dribbling (by drops);abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); while walking; ;abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); violent;abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); after urinating; ;abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); sudden; must hasten to urinate, or urine will escape;abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); sudden; morning; ;abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); sudden;abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); intermission of fever;abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); absent; with swollen bladder; urine flows freely;abdomen; bladder; pain; spasmodic; cervix; ;abdomen; bladder; pain; smarting; while walking; ;abdomen; bladder; pain; smarting;abdomen; bladder; pain; pressing, pressure; while walking; ;abdomen; bladder; pain; cutting; after urination; ;abdomen; bladder; pain; burning; during urination; ;abdomen; bladder; pain; burning;abdomen; bladder; pain; aching;abdomen; bladder; pain; slowing urination;abdomen; bladder; pain; sudden, sharp, stinging; extending to urethra (urinary part of genitals);abdomen; bladder; pain; sudden, sharp, stinging; cervix; evening; ;abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); absent; with swollen bladder;abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); absent;abdomen; bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); night; ;abdomen; bladder; urge to urinate, but producing nothing; late morning; ;abdomen; bladder; urge to urinate, but producing nothing;abdomen; bladder; polyps;abdomen; bladder; paralytic weakness; of sphincter; ;abdomen; bladder; paralysis; after childbirth, no desire to urinate; ;abdomen; bladder; paralysis;abdomen; bladder; pain; if forced to hold urine in.; ;abdomen; stomach; appetite; ravenous, excessive; yet becoming extremely thin; ;abdomen; stomach; appetite; increased (hunger in general); night; ;abdomen; stomach; appetite; easily satisfied; evening; ;abdomen; stomach; appetite; easily satisfied;abdomen; stomach; appetite; reduced;abdomen; stomach; appetite; changeable;abdomen; stomach; appetite; capricious (hunger, but knows not for what, or refuses things when offered);abdomen; stomach; anxiety; after excitement; ;abdomen; kidneys; suppression of urine;abdomen; kidneys; pain; sudden, sharp, stinging, sticking;abdomen; stomach; appetite; increased (hunger in general); alternating with loss of appetite;abdomen; stomach; appetite; increased (hunger in general); during chill; ;abdomen; stomach; appetite; ravenous, excessive; eating increases the hunger; soon after eating; ;abdomen; stomach; appetite; ravenous, excessive; night; ;abdomen; stomach; appetite; increased (hunger in general); with weakness;abdomen; stomach; appetite; increased (hunger in general); appetite vanishing on sight of food; ;abdomen; stomach; appetite; increased (hunger in general); during intermission of chill; ;abdomen; stomach; appetite; increased (hunger in general); before headache; ;abdomen; stomach; appetite; increased (hunger in general); with headache; ;abdomen; stomach; appetite; increased (hunger in general); during fever; ;abdomen; stomach; appetite; increased (hunger in general); after eating; ;abdomen; kidneys; pain; sudden, sharp, stinging, sticking;abdomen; kidneys; pain; shooting (see sudden, sharp); region of kidneys; ;abdomen; bladder; urination; involuntary, incontinence; during movement; ;abdomen; bladder; urination; involuntary, incontinence; if delayed;abdomen; bladder; urination; involuntary, incontinence; during cough; ;abdomen; bladder; urination; involuntary, incontinence; night, bed wetting; ;abdomen; bladder; urination; involuntary, incontinence; morning; ;abdomen; bladder; urination; interrupted (intermittent);abdomen; bladder; urination; incomplete (see unsatisfactory);abdomen; bladder; urination; frequent; while perspiring; ;abdomen; bladder; urination; frequent; before period; ;abdomen; bladder; urination; involuntary, incontinence; in aged people; ;abdomen; bladder; urination; involuntary, incontinence; when sneezing; ;abdomen; kidneys; pain; cutting; ureters (tubes between kidneys and bladder); ;abdomen; kidneys; pain; aching; region of kidneys; ;abdomen; kidneys; pain; during urination; ;abdomen; kidneys; pain;abdomen; bladder; urination; unsatisfactory (see incomplete and fullness, after urinating);abdomen; bladder; urination; delayed, difficult; by pain in the depths of bladder;abdomen; bladder; urination; involuntary, incontinence; while walking; ;abdomen; bladder; urination; involuntary, incontinence; typhoid fever;abdomen; bladder; urination; involuntary, incontinence; after straining at stool; ;abdomen; bladder; urination; frequent; during chill; ;abdomen; paralysis of intestines;abdomen; pain; sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.); extending to other parts; perineum (between rectum and genitals); ;abdomen; pain; sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.); while sitting; ;abdomen; pain; sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.); when coughing; ;abdomen; pain; sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.); noon; ;abdomen; pain; sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.);abdomen; pain; stinging;abdomen; pain; sore, bruised, tenderness, etc.; navel; ;abdomen; pain; sore, bruised, tenderness, etc.; sides; morning; ;abdomen; pain; sore, bruised, tenderness, etc.; sides; ;abdomen; pain; sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.); extending to other parts; transversely; ;abdomen; pain; sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.); behind lower ribs; ;abdomen; complaints of the pancreas; ;abdomen; pain; tearing;abdomen; pain; sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.); spleen; ;abdomen; pain; sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.); sides; while sitting; ;abdomen; pain; sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.); sides; ;abdomen; pain; sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.); liver; ;abdomen; pain; sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.); lower part of abdomen; morning; ;abdomen; pain; sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.); lower part of abdomen; ;abdomen; pain; sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.); behind lower ribs; right; ;abdomen; pain; sore, bruised, tenderness, etc.; right side, between ribs and hip; ;abdomen; pain; sore, bruised, tenderness, etc.; lower part of abdomen; ;abdomen; pain; pressing; lower part of abdomen; as if period would come on;abdomen; pain; pressing; lower part of abdomen; morning; late morning; ;abdomen; pain; pressing; lower part of abdomen; ;abdomen; pain; pressing; after eating; ;abdomen; pain; pressing; night; ;abdomen; pain; pressing; evening; after eating; ;abdomen; pain; pressing; evening; ;abdomen; pain; pressing; morning; late morning; ;abdomen; pain; pulling; navel; ;abdomen; pain; pressing; liver; ;abdomen; pain; pressing; sides; ;abdomen; pain; sore, bruised, tenderness, etc.; behind lower ribs; lying on painful side;abdomen; pain; sore, bruised, tenderness, etc.; behind lower ribs; during chill; ;abdomen; pain; sore, bruised, tenderness, etc.; behind lower ribs; right; ;abdomen; pain; sore, bruised, tenderness, etc.; behind lower ribs; ;abdomen; pain; sore, bruised, tenderness, etc.; while walking; ;abdomen; pain; sore, bruised, tenderness, etc.; on movement; ;abdomen; pain; sore, bruised, tenderness, etc.; lying on abdomen;abdomen; pain; sore, bruised, tenderness, etc.; lying on abdomen;abdomen; pain; sore, bruised, tenderness, etc.; on jarring; ;abdomen; pain; pulling; sides; morning; ;abdomen; bladder; pain;abdomen; sense of weakness;abdomen; trembling;abdomen; tension; lower part of abdomen; ;abdomen; tension; on movement; ;abdomen; tension; on eating; ;abdomen; tension;abdomen; swelling; spleen; ;abdomen; swelling; liver; ;abdomen; swelling; groin region; glands; ;abdomen; sense of weakness; before period; ;abdomen; sense of weakness; after stool; ;abdomen; bladder; haemorrhage (see urine, bloody);abdomen; bladder; gall stones;abdomen; bladder; fullness; without desire to urinate;abdomen; bladder; constriction; cervix; ;abdomen; bladder; catarrh mucous-pus (see urine, sediment containing pus);abdomen; liver; fatty degeneration of liver;abdomen; liver; cirrhosis (chronic liver disease, as in alcoholics);abdomen; liver; withered liver;abdomen; sense of weakness; after walking; ;abdomen; swelling; from watery fluid; abdominal cavity; ;abdomen; skin; ulcers;abdomen; skin; discoloration; inflamed spots;abdomen; skin; discoloration; brown spots;abdomen; stopped sensation;abdomen; complaints of spleen; ;abdomen; retraction; sensation of;abdomen; retraction;abdomen; restlessness, uneasiness, etc.;abdomen; relaxed feeling; after stool; ;abdomen; relaxed feeling;abdomen; skin; discoloration; yellow;abdomen; skin; discoloration; yellow; spots;abdomen; skin; pus, groin glands; ;abdomen; skin; itching; navel; ;abdomen; skin; itching; sides; scratching;abdomen; skin; itching; sides; ;abdomen; skin; itching; night; ;abdomen; skin; itching;abdomen; skin; out-breaks on skin; boils; groin region; ;abdomen; skin; out-breaks on skin; boils;abdomen; skin; out-breaks on skin;abdomen; perspiration;

Saturday, February 12, 2011

HANSI and similar formulas

Given that Mom is not eating or drinking anything (other than milk!), I think that homeopathy might give her the only fighting chance right now.

So, I am doing my research on all combination that have been shown to work, and I am taking Dr. Ramakrishnan's book with me...



There are actual proofs that Homeopathic medicines alleviate, reverse and kill cancer and can cure cancer cases.

Proof # 1 Article “International J. Oncology “ Vol. 23: 975,2003. Quote: RUTA (Homeopathic Ruta) induces severe telomere erosion in MGR1 brain cancer cells but has has no effect on B-lymphoid cells & normal lymphocytes. Preferential killing of glioma brain cancer cells by Ruta is apparently mediated through loss of telomeric DNA,followed by arrest of cells in G2/M phase, leading to cell death.
View this article at:
Page 981

Proof # 2 HANSI, a homeopathic preparation from Argentina made from 10 or more ingredients.
You can find info on HANSI at:

We have done tests on various homeopathic preparations, eliminated the ones that don’t work and have come up with a preparation similar to HANSI.
We have included homeopathic recommendations by Ramakrisnan from his book. Ramakrisnan is a homeopath from India who has gained knowledge and expertise from his years of practice with patients. This 11 ingredient Homeopathic Formula have done wonders for many cancer subjects including those cases where Chemotherapy, Surgery & Radiation have failed.

Below is the formula:
1. Diamond 2. Ruta graveolens 3. Echinacea purpura 4. Scutellaria baicalensis 5. Thuja 6. Conium maculatum 7. Arsenicum album 8. Aloe 9. Campthoteca acuminata 10. Feverfew 11. beta-carotene

Diamond The book “Gem Elixir & Vibrational Healing” provides information from Kevin Ryerson’s spirit guide John who states that Diamond – “removes the life force from most diseases. It removes energy patterns such as in diseases that block advancement of a person's life force. Diamond pushes toxins into the subtle bodies and ethers where they are ultimately transformed. The presence of diamond always amplifies the discharge of toxicity from the system. Also, diamond is specifically indicated for Brain tumors. “ Kevin Ryerson is a U.S. psychic who is compared to Edgar Cayce and whose interest is on info about healing. p. 99-100 Gem Elixir and Vibrational Healing, Vol. 1 by Gurudas

Ruta is the article above- Proof # 1. Ruta 6 treated brain cancer cells showed a drastic reduction of telomeric DNA compared with untreated cells. This article explains that Ruta works on the telomerase enzyme and kills brain cancer cells. This info is very important and significant because normal cells do not have the enzyme telomerase. Telomerase is what makes an abnormal cell turn into cancer because with telomerase, the cancer cell is able go into mitosis and live forever as long as it receives all the nutrients it needs for survival. Ruta should be administered as a strategy for all cancers because it will only affect cancers & not healthy cells!!!
This article can be accessed at:

Scutellaria baicalensis cancers have abnormally high levels of VEGF-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor. VEGF works in 2 ways – it promotes angiogenesis which supplies blood to tumors and VEGF works against the immune system’s capacity to react with cancers in general. In advanced stages of cancer, there is too much VEGF, the immune system is totally unable to defend the host and death is inevitable.
Studies show that Scutellaria extract inhibits VEGF formation.
Article: VEGF impairs immune system & prevent immune attack at:

Echinacea this herb has not been used in the past for cancer because there was little was known about its active ingredients and how it works. However, a research article in J. National Cancer Inst. 1989, 81:669-75, found that Echinacea increased production of interferon. Interferon is a lymphokine produced by white blood cells and activates lymphocytes to attack microorganisms and cancers. It also makes cancer cells more vulnerable to apoptosis(programmed cell death). Homeopathic Echinacea would certainly increase the immune system’s efficiency to beat and kill cancers.

Beta-carotene The book " Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine by Michael Murray & J. Pizzorno p. 61,quote “ the production of special chemical factors (interferon, & interleukin II) which makes lymphocytes fight cancers, are increased in production by taking vitamins, minerals and beta carotene.",p. 61 “Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine” by M. Murray.
Beta-carotene given after tumors had already developed greatly increased the rate at which the tumors regressed. . p. 38 “Cancer Therapy” by Ralph Moss.

Conium, Thuja and Arsenicum album these 3 ingredients have a history of use as anti-cancer fighters in their native form and the same is true when prepared into homeopathic medicines. All 3 are toxic, however are very safe when made into homeopathic solutions. Homeopathic doctor Ramakrisnan wrote in his book " A Homoeopathic approach to Cancer" that Conium, Thuja and Arsenicum are indicated in such a large number of cancer cases and he designated them as widespread cancer specifics. Our own tests using homeopathic preparations from these above have shown that they work very well and work in synergy against cancer.
Source: "A Homoeopathic Approach to Cancer” see Chapter 2 , by A. Ramakrisnan.

Aloe is one of the ingredients of the HANSI formula and contains emodin. Emodin belongs to a class of chemicals called anthraquinones; Anthraquinone and its derivatives have shown anticancer activities against a wide range of cancers and malignancies.

Camptotheca acuminata belongs to Traditional Chinese herbs and is a versatile anticancer agent because its effectivity covers the widest range for various cancers and most types of cancer. Camptotheca is recognized by modern medicine, it’s derivatives Irinotecan and Topotecan is now undergoing tests in laboratories all over the world. Its effectivity includes cancers of Breast, Prostate, Pancreas, Ovarian, Skin, Liver, Stomach, Lung, Brain, and Head & neck cancer, as wel las a wide variety of blood magnancies that include Leukemia, Myeloma, and Lymphoma. Camptothecas is also active against Sarcoma which covers Bone, Blood vessels, Nerves, Muscles, Fat and connective tissue. Camptothecin is insoluble in water and alcohol, however, this is not a problem when prepared as homeopathic remedy.

Feverfew Cancers subjected to drugs /herbs are still able to prevent apoptosis (programmed cell death) by producing NF-kB. Feverfew’s parthenolide reverses NF-kB and makes cancers vulnerable to apoptosis and kills the cancer. This makes Feverfew an important ingredient for all cancers.
For more info on this article, please view: +NF-kB++19,+4159++&hl=en&gl=ca&ct=clnk&cd=1

Homeopathic medicines are safe and contain no toxic matter.
Homeopathic medicine works as energy medicine - the remedy carries the energy and vibration of the original substance from which it was prepared and that energy is able to reverse the processes associated with cancer and heal the disease.

Also Homeopathic remedies do not need belief to work. One simply has to ingest the remedy and the effects will reverse the cancer and make the person a believer.

Comments or questions?
Email me at himmerland2000@yahoo.ca

Henry Martin


гомеопатические препараты на руках

Arsenium Album 6X
Arnica Montana 6X
Carbo Veg 6X
Ignatia Amara 6X
Kali Bich. 30X
Lycopodium clavatin, 6C
Chelidonium Majus 30C
Coffea Cruda 30C
Phosphorus 30X 
Arsenicum Album 30X
Nux Vomica 30X
Leg Crams with Quinne Homeopathic
Chelidonium Majus 200C
Conium 200C
Hydrastis 30C
Ornitogalum Belatum
Carcinosin 200C
Brionia Alba 6C

Kali Carbonicum 30C
 Terebinthina 30С
 Terebinthina 200С
Hydrastis 200C
Apis 200C
Hekla Lava 200C
Aurum Metallicum 200C
Arsenic Album 200C

самочувствие сегодня - с утра боли

разговариваю с папом. мама стонет на заднем плане. папа говорит, что она пытается молока выпить, приподнялась, и, видимо, диафрагму напрягла, поэтому и боль сразу. разговаривать счас не хочет, пытается обратно прилечь, чуть не кричит от боли.

папа говорит, что вчера ночь была приключений, с зеленой клизмой она уснула. сегодня проснулась где-то в 7 утра, когда пришли укол делать. я попросила его спросить маму, если вчера с утра такие же боли с утра были. слышала как мама простонала что да, вчера были такие же, все очень болит, она уже не знает, куда деваться от боли, улучшений нет.

папа говорит, что голос у нее такой же хриплый, как и вчера. посмотрел на ногу, сказал, что нога сегодня такая же, может быть даже слегка более надутая, но в принципе не самая плохая, которую он у нее видел.

когда он помогал маме лечь обратно в постель, она кричала так звонко, как я уже давно ее не слышала. видимо, просто ужасные боли. я ему сказала, чтобы дал ей Карциносин 200 сейчас, и дальше по списку, что я прислала. так же сказала, что нужно бы поменьше ей давать молока, но он мне подытожил, что если ей не давать молока, то у нее питания вообще не останется. сказал, что на той неделе она бульон пила, а счас и бульон не хочет. едиственное, что ей идет, это молоко.


сегодня, по-моему, опять ухудшение. обычно утром, когда я звоню, таких болей у нее нет. я не могу дождаться, когда смогу вылететь в Россию, потому что мне кажется, что если я буду рядом, то как-нибудь помогу ей с болями - хотя бы даже если просто помогать вставать и ходить, когда папы нет дома. так же я планирую привезти с собою еще разных препаратов, которые может быть как-нибудь помогут.

пока что папе прописала вот такой рацион:

1) Если маме трудно делать две овощных клизмы в день, то делайте одну на ночь
2) С утра маме дать попить алое вера, разведенного водой. Пусть попробует выпить столько, сколько сможет, и пьет весь день по глоточку, можно вместо воды
3) Попробовать сделать ей вот такой напиток: 1 ч ложку яблочного уксуса на пол-стакана воды, плюс добавить на кончике чайной ложки меда. Размешать, дать маме пропробовать. Если ей пойдет, то пусть пьет. Алое вера и яблочный уксус можно совмещать.
4) Принимать 4 раза в день Арсеник Альбум и Лейкоподиум, по 2-3 горошинки каждого
5) Дать ей 4 горошинки Хекла Лава 200 где-то в середине дня и столько же Хадрастиса 30.
6) Найти Орнитоголиум (одно из лекарств, что Сашка в первый раз присылал), и если оно в каплях, то дать 3-4 капли под язык после принятия воды или других напитков, посмотреть, насколько эта вещь гадкая по вкусу. Может помочь от отрыжки.

7) компресс на живот из имбиря, чеснока, и чайного дерева

Посмотрим, как сегодня пойдет Алое Вера. Даст бог, сможем его принимать.

aromatherapy and cancer

 I am packing for Russia, and I am planning to give Mom massages with aromatherapy, first of all, to help her rest, second of all, to relieve pain, and third of all, to improve immune system. I am doing research so I could buy the needed oils.



Alternative Medicine for Immune System Strengthening

Aromatherapy has a broad range of application in immune system support because virtually every essential oil in therapeutic use is active against one or more bacteria, and almost all of them stimulate production of white blood cells. It has been found that people who use essential oils regularly have a high level of resistance to illness. They catch fewer colds and other diseases and recover quickly if they do.
Essential oils support and strengthen the immune response by two different ways:
  1. By directly opposing the threatening micro-organisms
  2. By increasing the activity of the organs and cells that fight them.
Best Essential Oils for Immune System support are (they do both these actions):

bullet Bergamot
bullet Eucalyptus
bullet Lavender
bullet Manuka
bullet Ravensara
bullet Tea-tree
These essential oils increase the immune response.
Other Essential oils Useful for immunity:
Rosemary and Geranium support the adrenal glands and stimulate the lymphatic system.
Black Pepper and Lavender strengthen the spleen.
If your immune system is depleted, aromatherapy treatment should be continued for at least a month. This will help bringing the micro-organisms in the body under control, repairing the immune system and strengthening the immune system to withstand from further attack.



Here's a list of popular oils that address some common problems, as well as those common among people in treatment for cancer...
  • Lavender. Great as a general relaxant, it also treats migraines and relieves stress. It is excellent for insomnia resulting from cancer treatment.
  • Rosemary. For muscle pain, low blood pressure (do not use if you have uncontrolled or high blood pressure) and cold feet and hands. Rosemary aids a loss of appetite.
  • Spearmint. Used to ease nausea and to help digestion. Also can help ease gas and other treatment-related digestive problems.
  • Eucalyptus or peppermint. For rubbing on sore muscles. Eucalyptus may also help joints, including arthritic ones. Eucalyptus may increase the absorption of certain cancer drugs that are applied topically, so use caution and try a patch test first, avoiding application to the same area as the cancer drug.
  • Pink grapefruit or juniper berry. Used with massage to encourage lymphatic drainage of toxins and waste. Pink grapefruit is one of Perez's favorites for cancer patients, as she believes it helps energize them and raise their spirits. This and all citrus-type oils should be avoided during chemo and radiation -- and should not be used until speaking with your doctor.
  • Lemongrass, tea tree and orange. Mix together into two cups of Epso salts. Use five drops of each oil -- a total of 15 drops -- for a soothing bath (use one-half cup per bath). (Please note: Serious toxicity in avians can occur from topical exposure to teatree [melaleuca] oil.) *Please note that tea tree oil is toxic to all pets (birds, cats, dogs, etc.) 


The Miasm
                At the Fourth Wholistic Aromatherapy Conference on the Therapeutic Uses of Essential Oils in San Francisco in November of 2000, Dr. Bruce Berkowsky, founder/teacher of the Natural Health Science System™, gave a fascinating lecture on "Essential Oils and the Cancer Miasm".   I found it absolutely intriguing considering my own experience with cancer and my studies in “energy work”.
                Bruce Berkowsky states that a miasm is a reactional mode, or predisposition, to disease transmitted from generation to generation bioenergetically rather than by a genetic mechanism.  (The word miasm comes from the Greek word miasma meaning stain, pollution or defilement)  The themes of loss of control and inability to establish one’s personal identity are characteristic of the Cancer Miasm.  Some of the primary essential oils found effective in treating this miasm are: angelica (Angelica archangelica); geranium (Pelargonium graveolens); lemon (Citrus limonum): pine (Pinus sylvestris).  

Angelica and the Cancer Miasm
                The following essential oils are well suited to treat the Cancer Miasm—they include:  Angelica (Angelica archangelica), Frankincense (Boswellia carterii), Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), Ginger (Zingiber officinalis), Lemon (Citrus limonum), Neroli (Citrus aurantium), Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin), Pine (Pinus sylvestris), and Violet leaf (Viola odorata).  Most of these oils contain the chemical constituent Limonene and related terpenoids, which have been shown to prevent carcinogen-induced mammary cancer.  .

 Angelica (Angelica archangelica) is in the Umbelliferae family whose members have a strong affinity for the process of aeration, reaching out from the watery element from which they thrive and up into the airy element.  Angelica is a water loving plant that is found growing near streams and rivers or wetlands.   The root of the Angelica plant, in particular, has the strong affinity for water.  The umbelliferaes tend to have hollow stems and stalks, inflated leaf sheaths and air-chambered rootstocks.  Umbelliferae’s, angelica included, strive to bond with the realm of air - the medium of one of the three constituent elements of vital force: the astral body. 
                As plants are essentially etheric organisms whose formative forces are water-dependent, by reaching out to the airy element and becoming aerated, angelica draws from the astral plane (air) and incorporates it into its fluid nature.  This feature of joining air and water / astral and etheric, is the foundation of angelica’s clinical benefits.  Angelica’s essential oils are extracted from either the seeds or the roots of the angelica plant (for this discussion we will refer to the essence extracted from the root). 
                In anthroposophic science, the root of the plant, due to the diversity of its sensory functions, is associated with the human nerve-sense system and the metabolic limb system.  As a root oil, angelica is believed to have very strong associations with both of these systems.  It is through the root that the plant confronts the soil "universe".  The root must discern the enormous menu of substances in the soil and choose or grasp the ones that it requires for its growth.  This selectivity equates to the human consciousness facilitated by the nerve-sense organs of the head, because the head organ shows similar selectivity when sifting through the bombardment of incoming sensory data from the outer world (keep in mind, as earlier discussed, the astral body perceives and internalizes impressions from the external world, which are then given expression in the form of behavioral responses and choice of movement). 
                Furthermore, the roots’ ability to select or choose is based upon its sense of Self, as each plant will select different substances in accordance with its individuality as a plant organism.  Similarly, the spirit and astral bodies of human beings are charged with establishing a consciousness of Self.  The root of the plant absorbs mineral salts out of the earth and utilizes them for growth and nutrition.  These salts permeate the plant and make it an earth organism.  The human head can be compared to a hardened root, as it must process that which it chooses to consume or absorb.  This absorption continues to initiate the process of solidification, and tissue contraction to elimination.
                Root oils have obvious metabolic associations as well.  They are actively involved in the processes of nutritional absorption, and the processes involved with the intake of fluid and hydration.  The intestinal system is a type of “inner root” that draws nutrients and water into the blood.  With Angelica’s dual air/water affinities, and its link to both upper and lower poles of the body (head and bowel), it lends great potential to integrate the nerve-sense forces (which depend upon air) into the metabolic processes which require a watery medium.  Therefore, it may prove an exceptional treatment of mental exhaustion due to nutritional depletion as well as for a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms linked to the failure of the astral body to incarnate from the head into the metabolism.  Indicators include indigestion, flatulence and nausea.
                Looking at one of the major symptoms in the Cancer Miasm, loss of control, we see a dysfunctional relationship between the astral and etheric bodies.    For some recipients, for example, angelica rehydrates or revives volatile emotions like exhaustion and anxiety, and aerates sodden ones such as moodiness, “heartache” and alcohol addiction.  There is an element of violence in the animal nature of the astral body that makes its direct action on the physical body harsh and unfeasible and such actions can result in spasm, pain, tissue destruction and depletion.  Therefore, the astral body’s passions and drives must be buffered by, and communicated through, the watery medium of the etheric body. 
                Angelica is noted as a medicine for gastric ulcers and colic—the former, due to astral passions expending themselves upon stomach tissue, and the latter, due to astral-induced intestinal spasms.  As a balancer of air and water, angelica is not only beneficial for excesses of the astral body, but of the etheric body as well.
                Again, when the astral body inadequately incarnates into the metabolism, the etheric forces are unchecked, thus, cellular overgrowth and loss of control of the fluid organism may occur.  This becomes particularly evident in the glands which are primarily etheric organs.  Angelica has proven to be very helpful for swelling, inflammation and swelling of the lymph nodes, especially of the head and neck region.
                Angelica oil may also offer a way of responding to the bioenergetic aspect of cancers of the fluid organism such as leukemia and Hodgkin’s Disease, both of which involve lymphoid tissues and are characterized by etheric hyperproliferation and misguided astral behavior.  


Massage and cancer
There is no research to prove the myth that massage can carry cancer cells throughout lymphatic tissue to other sites in the body, although it is recommended that deep tissue massage is not used on someone with cancer. Gentle aromatherapy massage is designed to relax and gently detoxify the body. In cases of localised cancer, it is perhaps best to avoid that area.

Obviously, a light, gentle massage within the client's pain threshold, given over a period of time that is suitable to the patient, is going to be beneficial rather than harmful. The lymphatic system is massaged slightly by muscular action of the body, and since simple, gentle massage would be no more stimulating to the body than ordinary, muscular action resulting from movement, then the results would be very similar. In other words, the likelihood of spreading cancer cells with gentle massage is no greater than with normal exercise.

The value of massage on a patient with cancer is enormous. The sense of touch is one of the most basic of human senses, and helps to create a feeling of being loved and comforted through the illness. When we talk about massaging somebody with cancer we generally assume whole body massage. It is usually advised never to massage over the site of the cancer or over an area receiving radiotherapy treatment and, if in doubt, just to massage one small part of the body. A simple hand massage or foot massage, for instance, can bring great stress relief and help the patient emotionally. It is important not to massage over the site of radiation because the skin is readily broken down. Areas affected by radiation should be avoided at all costs, and be allowed to repair naturally (Tisserand and Balacs 1995: 101-102).

Horrigan (1991) offers the opinion that surface massage will not make the cancer grow due an increased blood supply, nor make the cancer spread, nor interfere with chemotherapy or radiotherapy, nor cure cancer by natural means (Price & Price: 1995). Movements and stokes that can be used with a light rhythmical touch and stroking, are effleurage, passive exercises, gentle pulling and stretching (McNamara 1995).

A type of massage only used by professional masseurs/cancer specialists is manual lymph drainage to stimulate the circulation of lymph fluids, encouraging the flow of lymph without force, thereby enhancing the immune system. Reflexology, with very gentle pressure applied to the relevant points, can also help to relax the patient.

Essential oils and cancer
In the normal low dosage usually adopted by trained aromatherapists there should be no risk factor. Do not use unresearched oils or unfamiliar oils. There is no evidence that either essential oils or aromatherapy has caused cancer in humans (Tisserand & Balacs 1995: 102). Valnet cites useful oils as being: Syzigium aromaticum (clove), Cupressus sempervirens (cypress) and Pelargonium graveolens (geranium).
Lavender and citrus oils of a good quality are also useful for relieving stress. As a general rule, oils that would be useful for children are gentle enough to be used on cancer patients.



Nausea, vomiting
-ginger, peppermint, orange

Help falling asleep:
- lavender, vetiver, myrrh,  frankincense, chamomile

General relaxation:
- lavender, bergamot, clary sage, palmarosa, vetiver, ylang-ylang, basil, chamomile

Help to stay awake:
- basil, rosemary, geranium, peppermint, grapefruit, lemon, black pepper



Aromatherapy can be beneficial as a complementary treatment since the essential oils have properties that promote healing on physical, emotional and spiritual levels. Smells register in the limbic system, or “old brain”, that receives impulses directly from the olfactory nerves and subsequently triggers emotions and memories. This plays an important role in determining which oils to use, and because a person can be sensitive to smell, it is important to let them select acceptable oils before each treatment. Most importantly, an aromatherapist must consider a person’s overall health to determine if essential oils should be used and how they should be administered. Following are some examples of how aromatherapy may be used in cancer treatment, with the essential oils marked in italics.
Diffusing oils in a room is a non-invasive way to treat cancer symptoms such as vomiting (neroli, peppermint), nausea (ginger, lemon, peppermint), fear (rose, neroli, spikenard, vetiver), and insomnia (lavender, neroli, marjoram, valerian). A lamp ring that uses the heat from a light bulb is an easy way to diffuse oils into a room.
Compresses with hydrosols, also known as floral water, can ease pain (roman chamomile, peppermint), relieve constipation (marjoram, neroli), itching (roman chamomile, peppermint) and edema (lemon, grapefruit). They are useful after surgery.
A weak person may not be able to tolerate full body massage. Instead you can give a light, 5-minute hand and/or foot massage with gentle immune stimulating oils such as rosewood, bergamot, lemon, cardamom, almond or sandalwood that encourage relaxation and promote feelings of comfort. A footbath can also be soothing and beneficial.
The essential oils may chang, melissa and almond have anti-tumoral properties. Use combinations of rose, may chang and almond or almond, cardamom and sandalwood in a 1 to 1.5% blend with a massage oil.
Essential oils offer multiple uses for hospital and hospice workers. Family and friends can find relief from stress by diffusing oils throughout the house, as well as in the sick room. The stress and sleep deprivation that they often experience can be taxing on the adrenal glands. Neroli and black spruce oils can be used to help in such cases.
Some oils should not be used with certain types of cancer. While may chang is useful in stomach cancer, its use should be avoided on anyone with prostate cancer. If it is an estrogen-dependent cancer, avoid essential oils containing phytoestrogens and phytoprogesterones.



Relax: vanilla. In the Columbia University Medical Center study, subjects who smelled vanilla while completing stress tests had more stable heart rates and blood pressure readings than those who took the tests in an unscented environment.
Try: Place a few drops of vanilla extract onto a handkerchief and carry it with you throughout the day.
Recharge: peppermint, jasmine, citrus. These scents make you feel more awake. “Even though these scents are pleasant, they act as mild irritants and the effect is similar to that of smelling salts,” explains Dr. Hirsch.
Try: Sprinkle a few drops of the essential oil of your choice in a candle diffuser, or dilute two drops in 1 tsp. of avocado or almond oil, then rub it onto the back of your hand.
Relieve: Green apple. “We found that the smell of green apples reduced the severity and duration of migraine headache pain and may have a similar effect on joint pain,” says Dr. Hirsch. “The scent seems to reduce muscle contractions, which are the main cause of pain in migraines.”


Aromatherapy Nerve Pain Relief

The nerves in your body register pain, so when nerves are damaged, the condition will be quite painful. Injured nerves take a long time to regenerate, but aromatherapy treatments can help with the process. They initially relieve pain, and people who use them appear to heal more quickly than others.

Essential oils of lavender, chamomile, and marjoram are excellent at easing the pain of a pinched nerve or sciatica. A less well-known essential oil called helichrysum is specific for this condition. Apply the oil directly on the back or hip to reduce pain. It is also wonderful on painful shingles. People with serious nerve-related problems, such as multiple sclerosis and chronic fatigue syndrome, get noticeable pain relief from the Nerve Pain Oil (see recipe below). For carpal tunnel syndrome, rub this oil into the wrists. Since nerve conditions can be difficult to heal, talk to someone skilled in natural medicine for more ideas on how to treat them.

Essential oils for nerve pain: chamomile, lavender, marjoram, peppermint, sandalwood

Aromatherapy Nerve Pain Treatment
Reduce your suffering from nerve pain with this gentle and effective formula.

Nerve Pain Oil
  • 4 drops chamomile oil
  • 3 drops marjoram oil
  • 3 drops helichrysum oil (if available)
  • 2 drops lavender oil
  • 1 ounce vegetable oil or St. John’s wort oil
Combine the ingredients. Apply as needed throughout the day for pain relief. This formula is even more effective if St. John’s wort oil is used instead of plain vegetable oil. Buy it at a natural food store. 

самочувствие сегодня вечером

маме трудно говорить, у нее голос садится, поэтому разговаривала с папой.

сегодня делали клизмы, плюс гомеопатические лекарства, арсеник и лейкоподиум. приходили Сережка с Оксаной и сваха. немножко убрались в доме, но их приход маму утомил.

рвота днем была, без крови, когда с утра клизму делали, то она чистой выходила. писать мама ходила. дышать сегодня хуже, головокружение сегодня тоже хуже. ребра все так же болят, печень немножко болела, почка тоже немножко болела сегодня (видимо, потому что делали больше клизм и больше надо было жидкости гонять).

компесс маслянный на печень делала, на спину угольный делала.

пила жидкостей по чуть-чуть. говорит, что после каждого глотка очень кишечник болит, буквально после каждого глоточка. интересно, что ж это такая за напасть. тампоны маслянные она продолжает делать.

укол ей уже поставили, но пока еще, видимо, не подействовал, мама очень стонет от каждого движения.


сегодня, по-моему, улучшения нет, только что побольше жидкостей в нее влили. то, что у нее кишечник болит при приеме воды - это очень тревожно. сегодня мне некогда заниматься розысками информации. счас нужно идти заниматься подготовкой к поездке.

Friday, February 11, 2011

самочувствие сегодня

у мамы голос хриплый, но посильнее, чем вчера, более энергичный.

дремает. пока чувствует себя сносно. ночь прошла без приключений. хрипит просто так - что-то голос совсем пропадает. усталость очень сильная, глаза окрывает, и они тут же закрываются. при кашле кишечник болит, желудок болит немножко, все остальное пока молчит.

уже с утра писать вставала, чуть-чуть было больно, но не очень. нога сегодня чуть-чуть поменьше.

вчера она кислородную подушку пробовала, и с ней дышать полегче, но там в ней очень мало, поэтому она экономит. я поговорила с папой, он сказал, что постарается на работе у мужиков узнать, если они смогут ему ее заправлять.


сегодня мама "звучит" чуть получше, хотя все еще очень прерывающийся, слабый голос. но лучше, чем вчера. поскольку она вчера пропустила зеленую клизму, я попросила папу сделать ей сегодня две зеленых клизмы, поскольку она все равно спит, то пусть хоть с клизмой спит. 

всего назначила вот такой курс процедур:

1) зеленую клизму с утра и вечером.
2) кофейную клизму перед зеленой утром и вечером (ну, если мама не будет протестовать)
3) угольный пластырь на любую из почек (маме на выбор)
4) либо касторовый пластырь на печень, либо имбирный на желудок - тоже
маме на выбор
5) принять Арсеник Альбум 30 и Лейкоподиум 6 несколько раз (по 2-3 крупинки каждого)
6) принять Челидониум 200 один раз, за 2 часа до или после приема "белковых" напитков
7) вечером ножную ванну с кайеном. Если раздутой ноге очень больно, то держать одну здоровую ногу в тазике
8) добавлять кайен в бульон или молоко
9) в воду ей попробуйте покапать ОксиМакси или Пищу Для Клеток. Если пьется, то путь с ними воду пьет.
10) спину натереть маслом как обычно

самочувствие сегодня вечером - мама весь день дремает

мама едва может говорить, стонет на каждом вдохе. говорит, что плохо слышит. голос очень прерывающийся.

говорит, что целый день спит, не может проснуться, два раза дошла до туалета, на туалете едва может сидеть. до кухни ни разу не доходила.

рвота кровью была один раз утром. днем болело все так же, как обычно. укол уже поставили, но пока еще не подействовал. кишечник болел немножко днем.

Сашка прислал гомеопатические лекарства. апис мелифика 200, теребентина 30 и 200, хекла лава 200, гистистис 200, калиум карбоникум 30, ацидум арсеникум (?), аурум металликум 200,

папа начал делать воду для клизмы, мама стонет, говорит, чтоб делал быстрее, ей очень плохо -  клизмы ей помогают, видимо.

я ей сказала, что приеду на той неделе, она заплакала, сказала, что она - против, хочет, чтобы я доучилась. я сказала, что доучусь и из России, с профессорами я уже договариваюсь.

P.S. После первой клизмы мама сразу уснула, папа сказала, что не будет ее будить для зеленой клизмы - ее с утра можно будет сделать. Папа тоже очень против того, чтобы я приехала, хотя согласен, что маме без ухода днем тяжело.


сегодня положение совсем плохое, она не пила ничего за день, вставать практически не может, . процедурами заниматься тоже не может. высокая сонливость. явное обострение. думаю, что это - из-за недостатка кислорода, но если у нее голова не болит (а она еще не жаловалась), то видимо, в головном мозге кислорода достаточно. откуда тогда такая слабость и сонливость - не понятно.

Hydrogen peroxide therapy


Thursday, February 10, 2011

самочувствие сегодня

у мамы голос опять тихий-тихий, прерывистый. сонный. она говорит, уже две ночи спит без просыпаний в середине ночи, но ощущение ужасной усталости не проходит,  и второй день не может проснуться, все время засыпает. с утра сегодня села на кроваать, голова кружится, папа ее отвел в туалет, она пописала. пришла обратно. папа ей дал стакан с молоком, и так она с этим стаканом и уснула. сейчас лежит, даже глаза открыть не может, они такие тяжелые.

ночь провела нормально, ночью не задыхалась (потому что не вставала), почка не болела, ничего не беспокоило. спала крепко.

вчера ванночку кайенную делали, раздутая нога болела сильно, пластырь на живот делали, никаких побочных эффектов не заметила. над паром вчера дышала. сегодня с утра нога такая же, никаких изменений. моча такая же по цвету, как и в прошлые дни.

счас ничего не болит. 

рвота была с кровью, счас только открылась после укрола. выходила одна черная кровь.

зеленую клизму вчера не удержала - третий день не может удержать. начинает распирать, и все вылетает. выходили опять веревки, немножко. кишечник не болел. точнее, болел он или нет, она сказать не может - со снотворным ничего не болит. а без снотворного она не может уснуть от болей.

что болит без снотворного - желудок, печенка, кишечник, все болит. боли начинаются часам к четырех, до четерех терпимо. ребра все еще болят.

потом мама начала кашлять и совсем голос потеряла. я ей сказала, чтоб шла обратно спать, и из лекарств принимала арсеникум альбум, и как можно больше пила. на том и закончили.


эта ужасная усталось совсем маму лишает возможностей и принимать лекарства, и процедуры делать. по-моему, мне нужно ехать самой, и начинать ухаживать за ней, раз она уже совсем не может.

заказываю билеты на Россию.

самочувствие сегодня вечером - еще один батюшка приходил

у мамы очень, очень тихий голос, но спокойный, умиротворенный.

говорит, что сегодня все так же, не хуже, чем вчера, только больше слабости.

рвоты днем не было, пила все, как обычно, кайена немножко добавляла в некоторые напитки, он противный и жжет. я сказала, чтобы продолжала принимать.

ванночку еще не делали, счас будут делать перед сном. укол уже поставили. почка сегодня не болела вообще. писать один или два раза ходила, по капельке. нога так же, раздутая, мерзнет сильно, мама ее все время на грелке держит, чувствительность в ней плохая.

арс альб принимала, дышится хуже, даже просто когда встает с кровати, и сразу головокружение, а если шаг-два сделать, то совсем воздуха нет, сил нет шаг сделать.

врача опять сегодня не было, не пришла. может, завтра придет.

масло на кожу сегодня делала, компрессы делала, кишечник болел один раз немного. больше всего сегодня беспокоит слабость. клизмы с утра не делала, только вечером будет делать с папиной помощью, одна уже не может сама себе делать, сил нет. горчишники сегодня не будут делать, их через день надо делать. сегодня будет дышать над паром, и так же она целый день дышит маслом моего чайного дерева.

пила сегодня поменьше, потому что отвлекали много. второй батюшка приходил, потом Людмила Федоровна приходила, потом тетя Тоня приходила, маме некогда было собою заниматься.

папа сегодня ходил по разным аптекам, кислородных подушек нигде нету, и говорят, что их уже давно не было. нужно сходить в медицинский центр, может, там есть.

Поговорила с папой и, заодно, Серегой (он в гостях сидел). папе сказала, чтоб занимался мамой, а в медицинский центр и Серега может съездить. он был против, но потом я его уломала. узнала про кол-во лекарств на руках. чеснока осталось больше пол-бутылки, алое три четверти бутылки еше есть. я его попросила для мамы сделать еще один компресс с тертым имбирем, сушеным чесноком из капсуль, и маслом чайного дерева. на ночь - ножную ваннус перцем, и туда тоже чайного дерева немного.

Сереге передала, что Сашка может с ним связываться насчет передачи лекарств, и чтобы завтра попробовал съездить в медицинский центр, узнать насчет кислородных подушек.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011



What is mucoid plaque and why is it created?

Mucoid plaque is primarily composed of glycoproteins called mucin. More specifically, mucin contains more than 50% carbohydrates and more than 20 amino acids. Mucin is associated with normal epithelium as well as with carcinomas of the lung, breast, ovary, and gastrointestinal tract. Other ingredients include water, electrolytes, sloughed off epithelial cells, bacteria and bacterial by-products, digested food (fecal matter), plasma proteins, bile salts, pancreatic enzymes, and most all other constituents normally found in the intestinal juice.

Mucoid plaque is created by the body to protect itself when it is under attack by acids, or toxic compounds such as drugs (esp. aspirin and alcohol), salt, heavy metals, toxic chemicals, antigen antibody complexes, microbial activity, the toxins produced by incomplete digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. And all of these substances have been found in mucoid plaque. After a meal, the body naturally attempts to digest and assimilate food.

However, mucoid plaque may inhibit this process. The body will attempt to assimilate anything in the bowel, even mucoid plaque. When the body attempts to absorb food but there is only mucoid plaque, which acts as a barrier to the food, then mucoid plaque and whatever elements it contains are likely to enter the bloodstream. Therefore, it stands to reason that, if we have contaminated mucoid plaque in our bowels, our blood will be toxic as well.

Mucoid plaque found in the bowel is not equivalent to the natural healthy gastric and intestinal mucosa. Doctors, when viewing the inside of the intestines, believe that they are seeing the normal mucosa, when they are actually seeing mucoid plaque.

Mucoid Plaque

A coated colon with mucoid plaque. Notice how the blood vessels are covered up.


Healthy Bowel

Blood vessels of this healthy colon.

Research indicates that in fact it would be very rare to see normal mucosa because the layer or layers of mucoid plaque that cover the entire intestinal tract are so common. The natural mucosa is beneath the glycocalyz and is meant to serve as the necessary buffer for the gastrointestinal wall, and as a lubricant for peristalsis-but cannot when it is covered by mucoid plaque. Hence, mucoid plaque is usually associated with some degree of constipation as well as various other bowel irritations and problems. Many doctors who are unaware of mucoid plaque believe that the mucoid plaque is the normal mucosa. This is not true.
