Because my Mom is starting to be really bothered by the pain that the frequent use of enemas is causing her (due to her large haemorrhoid knots), I decided to try to look up info on home treatments for this problem, as well, otherwise soon I will run out of option on putting the liquids into her body.
SO, here it is.
Remedies for hemorrhoids must address the swelling, the itching, and the irritation. Some plants have properties which soothe inflammation and itching and help skin heal. These include aloe vera, witch hazel, horse chestnuts, butcher’s broom, and a number of others. Much research has also been done on bioflavonoids, and their ability to reduce swelling, control itching, and decrease inflammation, particularly bioflavonoids extracted from certain citrus fruits.
Compresses and creams can be made at home to help with the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Recipes vary, but in all cases, extreme care should be take to apply the remedy gently, using cotton wool or a medicated pad. In all cases, the anal area must be cleaned prior to applying the remedy, preferably by bathing, but alternatively by cleaning the area gently with wet wipes that contain no perfume. Contact with dry toilet paper or fabric will most likely worsen the irritation of the anal area. Always pat the area dry very gently, for the same reason, thus avoiding the increased chance of damaging the fragile surface of the hemorrhoids, which is likely to result in bleeding.
Among the natural remedies, there are a number of ingredients and compounds which specifically target the problem of constipation. Some fruits are well known as bowel tonics, including prunes, pears, and figs. An Ayurvedic compound called Triphala is used, similarly, to gently relieve constipation.
Topical balms made from herbs can be used to help reduce the swelling and itching of hemorrhoids. Some common herbs used in ointments and as compresses are chamomile, calendula, and aloe vera.
[YEA] 05/24/2007: E.B. from Chattanooga, TN writes: "Remarkable relief from hemorrhoids by using a raw potato. Cut a slice and shape into a suppository, coat with a tiny bit of vitamin e, then insert. (If potato is chilled - even better!) Retain as long as possible, sleep with it if you can. Keep putting a fresh suppository in after every bowel movement. Use for a couple of days and you will be pleasantly surprised! Don't know why it works, but it does!!!"
[YEA] 02/27/2010: Faithinhealing from Forest Park, Ohio, Usa writes: "My ex-husband used aloe vera gel to cure his hemorrhoid. He was really sick and didn't have health insurance. I looked up a cure on the net and had aloe and gave him the gel which he inserted. He said the next day the pain was gone and he had been in pain for almost a week! Within a few days the hemorrhoid was gone!"
[YEA] 11/08/2010: Tom from Ransomville, New York replies: "I soak a piece of TP with the ACV. Then apply it for about 10-20seconds. At first it stung like hell. I did this 2 to 3 times. After a few minutes the soreness went away and within hours the offenders shrank. Within days the problem was gone. I still find it hard to believe that it could be that easy. Now and then I feel the contenders trying to make a come back but I quickly douse them again and relief is just as fast. I never go anywhere without my bottle of AVC. Good luck - living with hemorrhoids is no fun!"
[YEA] 05/01/2010: Annielissamommy from Naperville, Il writes: "I was amazed how fast Apple Cider Vinegar cured my hemorrhoids. I was desperate. I had not been able to sleep for a little over 48 hours due to the pain. I was only in slightly less pain standing. I didn't know what to do, where to turn. I had tried a couple "all natural, herbal" remedies with no luck. There was a lot of blood loss. So I tried ACV. I drank 2TBsp in water 3x a day and poured a little on TP and dabbed it on the area when I went to the bathroom. It started to work almost immediately. I only tried it because I was too tired to think, but it really worked. Been a couple weeks and still no roids. This is a first in years. I know it sounds crazy, but try it and you too can be amazed."
[BETTER BUT NOT CURED] 09/21/2010: Alana22 from Portland, Maine replies: "Apple Cider vinegar definately works. I was also desperate and just tried it. I cleansed the affected area and also tried to get some inside (sorry gross). I went to bed and after about 10 hours I noticed relief. At first I thought, what the hell did I do because it burned, but I went to bed was actually able to sleep which I hadn't been able to do because of the pain. I woke up the next morning and relief! No pain, and one of the hemorroids was started to shrink the other were not as swollen. I had about seven hems total, some external, some internal and now about three weeks later I'm dealing with two that haven't gone away yet (much milder though), but two out of seven is so much better to deal with!"
[YEA] 12/30/2009: Cindy from West Palm Beach, Florida replies: "I was considering making a doctor's appointment for my hemorrhoids, which had been very uncomfortable for several months. Before making that call, I decided to check the internet for a natural remedy. I am grateful I found this site and tried apple cider vinegar. That was 4 days ago. The pain and itching are gone and the hemorrhoids have decreased 50% in size.
Suggestion - If the apple cider vinegar stings, try applying an ice compress to the area for about 5 minutes before the apple cider vinegar. This numbs the area, helps with swelling and takes away the sting."BEET ROOT JUICE
[YEA] 10/06/2006: Justin from Shanghai writes: "Juice 1 glass of beet roots a day and drink it all down. Maybe tough to stomach so mix it with carrot juice or something. Those nasties will be gone in a week."
02/09/2010: Tracy from Nashville, Tn, Usa replies: "Hi Everyone! Thanks so much for your comments. I am writing an update on this seemingly silly peppercorn remmedy. Well, I am a bit bewildered as to how, but I can say that I think it is actually working! Lol. I still have the hemorrhoids, but they seem to be shrinking, and I am in at least 75% less pain. I've been swallowing 4 black peppercorns morning and night on an empty stomach. Spiritually I feel absolutely wonderful. I am generally a very happy person, and each day I would wake up happy and eager to start my day off with my new baby, and then after I had a bowell movement everything would just go down hill. The throbbing would start, the pain would be unbearable and my spirit would sink and so would begin a day of misery. It is amazing how pain can affect one's spiritual well being. Well, it has been about a week of trying this, and I can say that I have not cried once. As I said, they are still there, but remarkably smaller and less painful. My day doesn't seem to be affected at all right now. This remmedy is definately not a prank as there really hasn't been any adverse affect as in burning or irritation caused by the peppercorns. I am going to continue this regemine, and see what happens. Part of me is so skeptical about how this could possibly work that I keep thinking maybe it is something else that is helping, but I'm really not doing anything else for them or anything different that could explain it. Anyways, as long as things stay on a positive path of improvement I am happy. But if this really works, I really want to help others who are suffering so I will continue to report on my progress. And when I say that I have had an incredibly bad case of hemorrhoids, I mean BAD!!! So if this can work for me, I know it can deffinately help others. Thanks for your support everyone. I'll keep y'all posted! Happy to be happy again, and really hoping it stays this way! :-)"
[YEA] 03/26/2010: Tinkerbell773 from Austin, Texas, Us replies: "OMG!!!!!! It works!! I had horrible hemmroids and they wouldn't go away! I thought that peppercorn sounded stupid, but I tried everything else and it did nothing. I started taking peppercorns yesterday. I took like 5 in the morning on an empty stomach as said to and repeated the dosage that night a few hours after I ate so my tummy would be fairly empty. By last night I already noticed a difference, and this morning they're like 80% gone!!! Yay!!!! I researched pepper till late last and found it to be an amazing food. It's a super antioxident food, high anti inflamitory, anti pain, helps reduce Colin cancer, and much more!!!!! You gotta read about it and you wl see why it works. Who would of thought that this marvalous seasoning could be so beneficial to our bodies."
[YEA] 06/02/2009: Jon from Singapore writes: "I had severe piles (internal) & haemorrhoids (external). Visit to doctor who gave some creams & advised surgery if the haemorrhoids didnt shrink. Read about castor oil and tried it as last resort as I didn't fancy the idea of surgery. A friend of mine who had piles surgery discovered he couldnt control his bowels well sometime after surgery.
Anyway, what i did was to coat the rear area, especially the inflamed tissues with castor oil twice a day after visiting the bathroom. Amazingly, after a couple of days, the area went back to normal and I did not have to go back to the doctor.
I will try castor oil for other various problems that I read about on earthclinic. Castor oil rocks!"
Anyway, what i did was to coat the rear area, especially the inflamed tissues with castor oil twice a day after visiting the bathroom. Amazingly, after a couple of days, the area went back to normal and I did not have to go back to the doctor.
I will try castor oil for other various problems that I read about on earthclinic. Castor oil rocks!"
[YEA] 02/04/2008: Gabi from TORONTO, CANADA writes: "Use Castor Oil to cure hemorrhoid. Make small CASTOR OIL PACK. You can use even cotton ball saturated with Castor Oil. Lie down and apply it to the hemorrhoid. You can walk with it if you have to. It brings very fast relive and swollen hemorrhoid shrinks fast."
[YEA] 03/25/2008: Mario from Davao City, Philippines writes: "Hemorrhoids or piles is something genetic in our family. My paternal grandmother had it, my father, my uncles and aunts, all then of them, had it. In family reunions, hemorrhoids was an intimate, humorous conversation piece among them. Years later, eight of us brothers and sisters would have it too. Two of my brothers underwent painful operations to remove their hemorrhoids. I thought, soon I'd be going through the same ordeal too as I was already bleeding everytime I do my morning rituals. That's when I read about cayenne pepper. I took 3 capsules with meals everyday for three months in 2002. Miracle of miracles, my hemorrhoids disappeared...vanished without a trace. For five years now. I only stopped taking it when I was diagnosed for hyperthyroid. After getting into this website, I think I'll go back to taking cayenne pepper again especially because I am hypertensive and has a high cholesterol nowadays. Will get in touch again after a few weeks. Thanks for a very helpful and inspiring forum like this."
[YEA] 06/07/2010: J.S. from Portland, Oregon writes: "I am curing my hemorroid fissure with virgin coconut oil and turmeric. I make a mixture of 1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil and 1 teaspoon of turmeric. I apply this to the fissure when ever needed (after bathroom, when pain gets to bad). This is the only thing I have used that controls the pain and swelling. I have tried ACV, hydrogen peroxide, Listerine, vics, otc's, cornstarch, ice, mud, sea salt, and baking soda. Nothing worked for longer than 10 minutes. After 4 applications of the coconut oil/turmeric I was able to continue with my house work."
[YEA] 06/30/2010: Kea from Austin,Tx, Us writes: "Horse chestnut tablets, 3 times a day for 3 days and no more hemorrhoids!!! Guaranteed. It worked for both my sisters and my mother. They tried all the OTC products and nothing worked. I knew that Horsechestnut tablets worked for vein health and also know that hemorrohoids are a cluster of veins so I did a few experiments with family and 100 percent success rate everytime. You can buy horse chestnut tablets at a health food store (not to be confused with horsetail tablets) Try it, it works!"
[YEA] 02/19/2007: Dennis from Marshall, OK writes: "I read on internet that taking horse chestnut orally will cure hemorrhoids, so I'm taking that right now and I think that it's working. Horse chestnut is also good for chronic venous insufficiency or swelling of the legs which was the main reason I was taking it in the first place. The swelling in my left leg is slowly subsiding but I think it's working for that also. Horse chestnut is good for also coughs, arthritis, and some other things I can't remember at this time.Pycnogenol is suppose to be better for hemorrhoids than horse chestnut, but I don't know, I'm just trying the horse chestnut for now, and if I'm not satisfied with the results, I will try pycnogenol instead, in which it's supposed to work better for leg swelling"
[YEA] 09/24/2008: Bonnie from Stroud, Gloucestershire writes: "I was ready a book on weird and wacky cures but using natural stuff to heal everything and I came across using olive oil for hemorroids. As I had suffered with these and had an operation that failed to help, I decided to try it and it works, I started bleeding one day from behind an decided to use the olive oil and it stopped. The way I do it is soak a tissue in it place it on the area then place a polythene bag over that and then some pants that you are not too fond of and leave in place as long as possible. I have not had any trouble since that day.
I must say i am hooked on your site now and they all seem to work. I have been using using many of your skin remedies and i am glowing.ten years younger at least."
I must say i am hooked on your site now and they all seem to work. I have been using using many of your skin remedies and i am glowing.ten years younger at least."
[YEA] 05/15/2009: Dale from Wilmington, Delaware writes: "Ukranian village cure for hemorrhoids:
I had a very bad case of hemorrhoids and my wife at the time was from the Ukraine. she advised me to take a fresh potato crate it with a potato crater and to press the crated potato onto my hemorrhoids. I did this for 3 days and my hemorrhoids were gone, the juice from the potatoes will shrink the hemorrhoids a fresh potato must be used each time. This does work!"Replies
05/18/2009: Alecxis from San Antonio, Texas replies: "Question to Dale of Delaware,
Would like to know how long do you press the potatos in the affected area. Or do you need to leave it there for a few minutes. Thanks for your immediate response..."
[YEA] 05/24/2007: E.B. from Chattanooga, TN writes: "Remarkable relief from hemorrhoids by using a raw potato. Cut a slice and shape into a suppository, coat with a tiny bit of vitamin e, then insert. (If potato is chilled - even better!) Retain as long as possible, sleep with it if you can. Keep putting a fresh suppository in after every bowel movement. Use for a couple of days and you will be pleasantly surprised! Don't know why it works, but it does!!!"
[BETTER BUT NOT CURED] 06/29/2010: Big Tuna from Park Ridge, Illinois, Usa writes: "I really enjoy EC & have used many of the remedies it contains. A few weeks ago I had a rare bout of constipation. When I finally did have a movement, it felt like I was passing broken glass. It took considerable effort (and tears) , but I was finally successful.
The problem is that now I have a bleeding hemorrhoid since that day. I am starting my 4th week of trying almost all of the remedies on this site for this ailment with no success or relief. It has gotten so bad the past 3 days that I can't sleep. Even OTC pain relievers have no effect on the pain. I have taken B6 & Rutin for 2 weeks; no effect. Last night, 6/28/10 I became desperate & took my bottle of tea tree oil & applied several drops to my finger tip & gently messaged it into the hemorrhoid & surrounding area. At first I felt nothing. In about 3 minutes I felt a warming sensation & possibly a little less pain.
I began watching TV & about ten minutes later I realized that I was actually sitting on the couch & I didn't have any pain. I was able to sleep from midnight to 10am this morning. When I arose from bed, no pain. About an hour later I had another BM. I wish I could say it was pain free, but it was NOT! This time I only had a slight trace of Blood. After I cleaned up I reapplied the tea tree oil & had to wait about 10 minutes & the pain subsided. In fact I went out & cut the grass! As I am writing this I am sitting on a regular chair without the dough nut!
I don't know if the tea tree oil will cure my hemorrhoid or not, but it made it much more bearable & I was able to sleep. Tea tree oil is a fantastic product that I have used for years on cuts & scrapes, hot spots on my dogs etc. It is fungicidal, antiseptic & a germicide. It can be purchased from almost any drug store, vitamin/health food store & many on-line vitamin sites. I got mine from
The problem is that now I have a bleeding hemorrhoid since that day. I am starting my 4th week of trying almost all of the remedies on this site for this ailment with no success or relief. It has gotten so bad the past 3 days that I can't sleep. Even OTC pain relievers have no effect on the pain. I have taken B6 & Rutin for 2 weeks; no effect. Last night, 6/28/10 I became desperate & took my bottle of tea tree oil & applied several drops to my finger tip & gently messaged it into the hemorrhoid & surrounding area. At first I felt nothing. In about 3 minutes I felt a warming sensation & possibly a little less pain.
I began watching TV & about ten minutes later I realized that I was actually sitting on the couch & I didn't have any pain. I was able to sleep from midnight to 10am this morning. When I arose from bed, no pain. About an hour later I had another BM. I wish I could say it was pain free, but it was NOT! This time I only had a slight trace of Blood. After I cleaned up I reapplied the tea tree oil & had to wait about 10 minutes & the pain subsided. In fact I went out & cut the grass! As I am writing this I am sitting on a regular chair without the dough nut!
I don't know if the tea tree oil will cure my hemorrhoid or not, but it made it much more bearable & I was able to sleep. Tea tree oil is a fantastic product that I have used for years on cuts & scrapes, hot spots on my dogs etc. It is fungicidal, antiseptic & a germicide. It can be purchased from almost any drug store, vitamin/health food store & many on-line vitamin sites. I got mine from
06/30/2010: Brenda from San Antonio, Texas replies: "I know it is in mixed company that I give you this remedy please do not take it wrong, it worked for me. Take a small garlic clove, cover with olive oil or any non toxic oil, and insert up the anus overnight. Yes you might feel a burning sensation, but I have tried this on many people with success. Usually one or two times is all that is needed. In the morning the clove is expelled when you use the restroom. The burning does not damage tissue. And the worst bleeding hemorrhoids will get better. I also suggest any kind of bioflavinoids, rutin, citris or grapeseed daily to keep them away. No, it does not cause garlic smell on the body."
[YEA] 10/16/2010: Joanne from Battle Ground, Wa writes: "I started taking turmeric for it's medicinal effects, and with great surprise and three weeks later, I no longer have hemorrhoids. I take 1160 mg a day in capsule form. I have tried everything, including ACV and other remedies. This works!"
[YEA] 02/12/2008: Ally from Kalamazoo, Michigan writes: "I too have had hemorrhoids and fissures for 9 years, tried everything on the market including' ACV, cocconut oil was about to go for surgery and read about vitamin B6. I took 50 mg of B6 after meals. It took 3 weeks for this to work, but I noticed a big difference in 3 days. I am now free of this very painful mess and it has been 6 months. If you have a relapse just go to the B6 bottle. I just want to thank Michele who wrote in about B6, on this site."
Replies 07/01/2008: Anonymous from Birmingham, England replies: "Having read some information about B6 helping for anal fssures, I saw an article detailing B6 symptoms as including cracking of the corner of mouths. Seems remarkably similar problem. I have had that and hems. My nerves are getting bad again and this too is symptom of B6 deficiency. I am also detoxing Mercury using ALA. I read somewhere B6 is depleted faster when using amino acids but could not find any particular reference to ALA."
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[YEA] 06/24/2006: Michele from Wolcott, Connecticut writes: "I never had hemorrhoids until I had children. I don't remember how I learned about the B-6, but I tried it and it worked great. Taking an extra Vitamin B-6 each day. I take 100 mg of B-6 each day and they stay away."
[YEA] 08/27/2006: John from McMinnville, OR writes: "This is a hemorrhoid cure given to me by an older chiropractor in Tallahassee, Florida. Pour a cup of white vinegar into a sauce pan and bring it to a boil. Turn of the heat and add enough salt to form a supersaturated solution. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature and, using cotton swabs, apply the mixture to the afflicted area. Do this two or three times a day until the hemorrhoids have shrunken The cure does sting a bit, but a little pain far outweighs the benefits of this procedure."
[YEA] Rosa from AZ writes: "Try witch hazel on cotton. leave in place for a few minutes like about 5-10min works a wonder...."
Nice Informative Blog having nice sharing..
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