Friday, January 14, 2011

Charcoal poultice

In hepatitis, neonatal jaundice, cirrhosis, and liver cancer the liver is unable to filter certain poisons and waste products from the blood. The build-up of these toxins in the blood pose a major health risk. Activated charcoal, taken internally or applied externally, is well known to adsorb these poisons and to support the liver in its work of detoxifying the blood. 
Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver, and inflammation of the liver may be caused from:
•    Infections from parasites, bacteria, or viruses (including hepatitis A, B, C,…)
•    Liver damage from alcohol, drugs, or poisonous mushrooms
•    An overdose of acetaminophen, and certain seizure medication, high blood pressure and heart medication, and antibiotics
•    Immune cells in the body attacking the liver and causing autoimmune hepatitis
•    Inherited factors – cystic fibrosis

Whatever the cause, the liver, the one organ responsible for filtering and removing most toxins from the body, is temporarily or chronically incapable of fully doing its job.

Common symptoms associated with hepatitis include:
•    Dark urine and pale or clay-colored stools
•    Loss of appetite
•    Fatigue
•    Abdominal pain or distention
•    General itching
•    Jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes)
•    Nausea and vomiting
•    Low grade fever
•    Weight loss
•    Depending on the cause, hepatitis may become chronic, leading to liver failure (cirrhosis) or liver cancer.

Since the liver is so involved in filtering the blood of toxins and impurities, and since charcoal has such a reputation for removing unwanted pollutants from such a wide variety of products, it makes perfect sense that charcoal would be a natural choice of remedies to supplement the work of the liver. In fact, a liver dialysis unit uses activated charcoal to purify the blood when there is severe liver failure, just as a hemoperfusion cartridges use a bed of granular activated charcoal to detoxify the blood in cases of severe poisoning.

Liver Cancer
“The memory of one treatment, given to a gentleman with liver cancer, is still vivid. His abdomen was quite distended from his condition, making it difficult for him to breathe. I had not been assigned to work with him, but stepped in for one of the other students. I followed the doctor’s orders, and made a charcoal poultice for the patient to wear over the kidney area on his back during the night. The next morning when I removed the poultice, I was completely incredulous at what I discovered. There was a distinct yellowish stain in the white areas of the poultice, and even more amazing, the poultice reeked with that unmistakable odor of urine! It was clear to me that the charcoal poultice, in some mysterious way, had managed to help eliminate body wastes. When I later learned that kidney and liver dialysis equipment use a bed of charcoal through which the blood is filtered, I better understood why the doctor had prescribed the poultice.” 


Method 1
Jelly Poultice
  • Blend 3 tablespoons of flaxseed (or use cornstarch).
  • Mix flax meal together with 1-3 tablespoons of charcoal powder.
  • Add 1 cup water.
  • Set aside for 10-20 minutes to thicken, or mixture may be heated and allowed to cool.
  • Spread the jelly evenly over an appropriate size cloth or paper towel.
  • Cover the jelly with a second cloth or paper towel.
  • Position poultice over the area to be treated (i.e. - liver, stomach, kidneys, spleen, knee, eye, ear, sting or bite area).
  • Cover poultice with plastic 1 inch larger all around (to keep paste from spreading and drying too quickly). Secure with surgical tap or ace bandage.
  • Leave poultice in place overnight or from 2-4 hours, if applied during the day.
Plain Poultice
This poultice, without any thickening agent, is a variation of the one described above. Consequently the charcoal may dry out more quickly and will need to be changed or remoistened. Mix charcoal (1 to 2 Tbs.) with a little water to form a wet paste. It should be moist but not crumbly or drippy.
  • Spread the paste on one half of a folded paper towel, loosely woven cloth, or piece of gauze cut to fit the area to be treated . When ready the cloth should be moist, and thoroughly saturated with the paste.
  • Then cover the paste by folding over the other half of the paper towel or cloth.
  • Next place the charcoal poultice on the affected body part making sure it completely covers the area.
  • Cover the poultice with plastic (when available, plastic food wrap works fine) cut to overlap the poultice by an inch on every side . This will keep it from drying out. If the charcoal dries out, it will not be able to adsorb.
  • Finish off by bandaging or taping the poultice securely in place. Leave it on for several hours, or better yet, overnight. After 6 to 10 hours another poultice can be applied.
Note : Poultices of any kind only work if there is continuous moist contact with the skin.

Intestinal Complaints Activated charcoal has been used by physicians since the last century to treat various intestinal complaints. Abdominal distension (bloating) and flatulence respond favorably to treatment with activated charcoal. Diarrhea caused by food poisoning, bacteria, nervousness and other factors is usually alleviated by taking activated charcoal.(10) Some physicians have used activated charcoal to stop bleeding from ulcerative colitis and calm spastic colons.(12) Activated charcoal is the best intestinal deodorant available. Taking activated charcoal counteracts decomposition products from food (such as beans) that cause flatulence and diarrhea. Individuals with malodorous stools should reach for activated charcoal. Travelers to foreign countries would be wise to pack activated charcoal. In my opinion, activated charcoal is the most practical way to effectively counteract food poisoning. To alleviate intestinal disorders with activated charcoal, I recommend the following. As an antidote for food poisoning, take 20 grams of activated charcoal two to three times daily. For other intestinal complaints, 5 to 10 grams of powdered activated charcoal twice daily.

Charcoal Is Safe Toxicology studies have proven that activated charcoal is basically harmless. Ingesting high dosages does not interfere with sleep, appetite or well being--or cause major problems. There are several undesirable effects of using activated charcoal that can be avoided by complying with the following directions. Activated charcoal is highly adsorbent; when it is ingested at the same time as medication, supplements and foods it may decrease their absorption and utilization. Therefore, always allow 2 hours before and wait 2 hours after using activated charcoal to eat, take supplements or swallow medication. Activated charcoal has a natural tendency to cause constipation. That can be counteracted by taking a mild herbal laxative with the activated charcoal. Finally activated charcoal harmlessly blackens your stools. Although black-gray stools look strange, they can be used to calculate your bowel transit time. Just measure the length of time from taking activated charcoal to the appearance of darkened stools.


Activated Charcoal Universal Antidote
Activated charcoal is considered to be medicine's most powerful absorbent and as such, it readily works to absorb many toxins and poisons, rendering them harmless.

What is activated charcoal? 

Activated charcoal is simply burnt wood that has had all the oxygen removed through controlled oxidation and or processing by steam. Before the nineteenth century plain burnt wood was used in the same way activated charcoal is used today. Activated charcoal has up to four times the absorption power of plain burnt wood. Although charcoal briquettes, burned toast, burned meat or any burned food can be harmful carcinogens or cancer producers, activated charcoal is an important health aid. Activated charcoal is most commonly produced from hardwood trees or coconut shells.

How is activated charcoal used as an antidote?

As an antidote, activated charcoal is mainly known both for its use in drug overdoses and chemical poisonings. Charcoal acts to purify and cleanse the body due to its amazing ability to attract poisons to itself. Charcoal has a wide range of absorption. Heavy metals, viruses, bacterial and fungal toxins, etc. are all absorbed effectively. Activated charcoal often absorbs more than its own weight of injurious materials.

How does charcoal work? 

Internally as an antidote and remedy, charcoal works by binding drugs and poisons within the gastrointestinal tract. This allows their transfer out of the body in a harmless form. Charcoal absorbs like a sponge, and renders poisons harmless. It can do varied tasks because of it’s amazing ability to attract other substances to its surface and hold on to them until they exit the body.

How is activated charcoal used internally? 

One tablespoon or more mixed into glass of water is usually all that is required. Charcoal is an odorless and tasteless powder that is best taken between meals-two hours before or two hours after a meal. One teaspoon of charcoal has a surface area of more than 10,000 square feet. This unique feature allows it to absorb large amounts of chemicals and poisons. Activated charcoal powder must be stored in a tightly sealed container because it really absorbs impurities from the atmosphere. If kept in a glass jar or can, charcoal will store indefinitely. Mason jars with seals are ideal for storage.

Is activated charcoal harmful in anyway? 

Studies show that activated charcoal is harmless when ingested, inhaled or when it comes into contact with the skin. In rare cases charcoal may mildly irritate the bowel in sensitive persons, but no allergies or other side effects have been recorded. It can also be slightly constipating.

How can everyone benefit from drinking charcoal mixed in water? 

For the few sensitive persons that may have Crohn's disease, colitis or irritable bowel syndrome, etc. there is a special way to prepare charcoal. Actually, every person reading this paper can benefit by using this formula for preparation.

Put two tablespoons of charcoal into quart jar with a little water. Mix well. Fill the jar to the top with more water. Put a lid on the jar and shake. Let the mixture sit overnight. The next day, pour off the water into another empty jar and discard the charcoal that has settled to the bottom. The mixture is now ready to use or to save for future use.

You can use this mixture in an infant's baby bottle, for colic. Dilute with more water if necessary. As long as a suspension is stored in a closed container, the potency of the suspension will be preserved indefinitely. It is suggested to drink this mixture first thing in the morning as far away from breakfast time as possible. Try this for three months and see how much better you feel.

How does charcoal work with drug or aspirin poisoning? 

The most common drug poisoning is from aspirin. Charcoal should be given within the first 30 minutes of an overdose. Powdered charcoal reaches its maximum rate of absorption rapidly, within one minute. The sooner it is given the better the chances of successful treatment. Charcoal given after one hour of fast absorbing drugs, like aspirin, are usually only about 10 percent effective.

How can charcoal be used externally? 

Externally, charcoal has been found to be effective for itchy skin, infections, gangrenous ulcers, insect bites and stings. Charcoal poultices draw toxins and poisons out through the skin tissue. Skin tissue is itself a permeable membrane that allows a two-way transfer of liquids and gases. The skin is the largest organ of the body, and therefore a very vital organ. Do not put charcoal directly on an open wound, it can cause a pigment tattooed effect. Instead use a poultice application, which filters out charcoal pigment and allows the healing moisture to go through.

How is a poultice made? 

A poultice (which means paste), is generally made with charcoal and a little water. The poultice should be about one-fourth inch thick and put into a cloth or paper towel. One important point about a poultice is that it needs to be kept moist to be effective. Covering the poultice with plastic wrap or plastic bag will keep air from drying it out. Charcoal may be used by itself, or with ground flaxseed or clay added. Using equal parts of charcoal, clay, and ground flaxseed makes a nice poultice that will remain moist overnight when covered with plastic.

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