Thursday, December 30, 2010

Стратегия очищения кишечника и печени ("A Cancer Battle Plan" by Annie Frahm and David Frahm)

"Cancer is a disease of an immune system. or, more accurately, it is a disease of a weak immune system. Your immunity must drop to a very low level before cancer can grow." V. Lingston-Wheeler (36) The ability if the immune system to prevent or reverse the cancer directly depends on your state of nutrition. (37)

Liver plays an essential role in digestion and assimilation of nutrients from the food and serves as a filtering system that removes harmful substances from the blood system. "To remove the underlying causes and to accomplish the cure of cancer means the re-establishment of the entire metabolism, especially of the liver... it is the filter for the entire digestive apparatus" Max Gerson (37)

"There is absolutely no doubt that liver dysfunction is a concomitant phenomena of cancer. In other words, where there is cancer, it's a sure bet it was preceded by a poorly functioning liver. As one of the body's chief organs for the elimination and conversion of toxic substances, the livers of cancer patients have become clogged with many of the poisons that they were meant to eliminate. Cancer can be reversed and controlled only if we rejuvenate the liver. Fortunately for us, liver is the one organ that the body is capable of regenerating itself. We must immediately institute a program of purification." Harold Manner (37)

The main reason for a dysfunctional liver is a colon that does not allow the waste products from the body to be eliminated effectively. Poisonous materials are trapped inside the colon and reabsorbed back into the bloodstream, arriving once again at the overworked liver.(38)

"Few of us realize that failure to effectively eliminate waste products from the body causes so much fermentation and putrefaction in the large intestine, or colon, and frequently does result in a lingering demise. The fact of the matter is that constipation is the number one affliction underlying nearly every human element; it can be imputed to be the initial, primary cause of nearly every disturbance  of the human system" (Normal Walker) (39)

The colon is notorious for accumulating waste materials that, over time, form a rubbery coating on the walls of the colon. (39)

A diet of cooked and processed foods, low in fiber and high in fat, can lead to a congested colon and / or a dysfunctional liver, to a weakened immune system, and potentially to cancer (39). Therefore, cancer is a result of several organs failing to function properly.

The most useful treatment strategy is to rebuild the malfunctioning system in the body. Treatment aimed only at the cancer cells or removing existing tumors treat the symptom of a malfunctioning body, but not the body itself, allowing a potential for more cancer to appear later. Most people who have their cancers surgically removed experience a new onset of cancer. Surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, although accepted as common treatments for cancer, do nothing to address the systematic causes that created the cancer. (40).

Those common therapies add to the toxic overload of the system and can lead to the total collapse of the immune system. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy patients often have their immune systems so disrupted that they contract infectious diseases and die before the cancer kills them (Dr. Livingstone-Wheeler) (41). All three treatments are merely suppressive and at times help to take a load off the immune system.

A very aggressive course needs to be taken to reverse the chronic degeneration of the body.

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